Miss K, a Victim of Abuse and Violence

Home Facts about Domestic Violence Sociopathy Important Resources Case Page 1 Miss K Case Page 2 Miss K Observations Guest Book

I will name no names here.

Miss K left her violent, drug abusing, alcoholic former spouse in August of 2010. The final straw was when she had to, with the help of her 15 year old daughter, physically force her ex from the house after he exploded over something so minor as a Band-Aid for a cut finger. Once he was forced from the house, he then punched his way through a large picture window and actually intended to attack again. Luckily, the neighbours had called the RCMP and they arrived just as he punched the window, so they took him to the drunk tank.

They kept him only 4 hours!!

When Miss K left, she ran with her two younger boys and just the clothing they were wearing. They ended up in a shelter for abused women for two months. During their stay, her ex managed to find out she was in the town because she applied for a protection order. The court denied her the order, but they managed to tell him where she was living. He then started to stalk her at the shelter. He would spend hours every day calling the shelter. When he got voicemail, he would hang up and call again. This got so bad that the shelter actuall had to call the RCMP and they had to warn him off.

Miss K was in very real danger. Her former partner is a dangerous man when it comes to those weaker than himself. He eventually got charged with various crimes, and he also breached the court order numerous times. All of this is a matter of record. The RCMP are aware of all of these breaches, and he is going to be incarcerated.

Now, this is where it becomes seriously disturbing. Remember, this lady and her children were systematically abused for years. The man shows all the classic symptoms of being a Sociopath. Remember that. Remember that Sociopaths are experts at manipulating.

In December, Miss K was advised of a Focused Assessment being performed by the Family Conciliation Unit, part of the Provincial Government. A "counsellor" was sent to her home to see how things were after the flight from danger. Miss K was entirely honest. She stated that her younger child was doing really well in his therapies, and that her older son was being psychologically evaluated for PTSD. She said that they were doing better in school, suffering less anxiety, eating well. She told that, for the first time in their lives, the children had enough to eat, had beds to sleep in, were happy and adjusting well. She explained how things were before. the constant abuse, bad language, fear, stalking, double deadbolts on the door to prevent anyone entering.... or exiting the house.

The "counsellor" described her new home as comfortable and cosy. She described Miss K as anxious and easily distracted. She considered the younger son as non verbal. (he is high functioning autistic. He is a happy, chatty intelligent child, but he refused to speak to this woman). She described the elder son as anxious and said he had inherited the anxiety from his mother. She said the children were not doing well at all, in all reality.

The counsellor then visited the abusive ex. She described his house as "adequate". Let me fill you in. This house is a wreck. It leans badly to the east. There is a north facing window which has been boarded up for years. There was a bed in his daughters room, but he has urinated on this bed, as well as on the clothes and various other parts of the house. There were no beds in the house for the boys. There was no food in the house for the boys. The man is a drug user and alcoholic. She said the yard was spacious and fenced with a play area. The fence does not exist at all. The play area is a swing which is over a pile of garbage. the house itself has a toilet that leaks raw sewage when flushed. The Hydro is often cut off, and the wiring is actually dangerous.

It is, in short, unfit to live in except as a crack house, yet it was deemed adequate for children by the provincial representative to the court.

There is much more to it, but that is a reasonable summary. Now go to the next page. It gets worse.