Miss K, an Investigation and report
So the document was written and finally delivered. You have to remember that the man was charged with violence and other serious offences.
Miss K was openly mocked and dismissed by the counsellor. She was treated as an aggressor. The counsellor actually said "You chose to Leave". well what options did Miss K have? I suppose she could have merely waited until she was murdered, which is a very real possibility.
The report finally recommended that the abuser be given access for weekend visits. Up until this point, he had often refused to see the children, and Miss K managed to secure a spot in the Access Centre in Winnipeg on a weekly basis so the boys could see their father in supervised safety. The counsellor actually saw one of these visits. She described the children as relaxed. She had no clue what she was seeing. She paid no attention to the reports written by professionals about the children. She supported the abuser in his demands for his "rights". She described him as strong and articulate, and as an assertive man. Now I understand assertive, but not how a Provincial counsellor can accept assertion with a fist as acceptable.
Anyway, the recommendations were that he have joint rights in decisions pertaining to the therapies for the children. That he have the children for half the holidays, that he be allowed to breach a court order banning him from coming within 4 city blocks of Miss K to collect them. There were many more recommendations.
Recently, Miss K contacted Family Conciliation to see why they would allow their counsellors to openly mock and abuse the people they are supposed to impartial to. There followed a lengthy meeting with the supervisor and the director (names freely available online www.google.ca ). The meeting resulted in a promise that they would investigate the complaint. They saw evidence that the counsellor had not investigated Miss K's assertions that the boys were undergoing therapy. The counsellor said that the younger child should continue to attend a specialised daycare which does not even exist, but is a figment of her ex's imagination as the child is now over the age of 5.
There was proof that the counsellor did not report evidence of abuse to the authorities. She disregarded all the witness statements and refused to hear of them. The worst of all was when she told Miss K, in response to her saying she would not risk her life for a bag of stained clothes, she said "All of you say that".
Now if only one woman says she has fled an abusive relationship in real fear of her life, and the lives of her children, and if the man in question has been charged with serious offences against his former partner, then I think the Province is duty bound to protect.
The result of the meeting was that no action will be taken against the counsellor. The only thing they have done is to sweep it all under the carpet. They say that the recommendations made in the report will be disregarded. That suggests that they are disregarding the entire report. That means the woman that wrote it has made potentially fatal errors and should be DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE! I also think that the supervisor and director should resign if they are incapable of doing their jobs.
They also said, at the close of the meeting, that this was a child protection issue and not within their remit. Now I suggest you look at the banner for their Provincial Govt webpage.. http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/childfam/family_conciliation.html
I am appalled. I was at the meeting. I am with this lady, Miss K. I know how badly she suffers as a result of a man who will soon be behind bars for a number of years, and for serious offences against children. I heard their promises to Miss K. I also heard them blow it all out. I told them I would start this site and I was told I was threatening them.